Will Working With A Creative Content Agency Boost eCommerce Growth?


Digital content is a good way for e-commerce brands to differentiate themselves from competing businesses, engage prospects and customers, and secure more sales. In fact, in a market dominated by Amazon and other giants, it is frequently digital content that tips the scales in favour of independent e-commerce businesses, or purchases direct from brands, rather than through aggregators.

Visual Or Written Content?

What do we mean by digital content? Broadly speaking, content can refer to any written or visual material available through the Internet, whether published on a blog, accessed through an app, or downloaded or viewed through a website.

And while most digital marketing revolves around written content – such as blog posts and landing pages – it is visual content, in particular, that is frequently the most effective for boosting e-commerce sales – because many people are visual learners, and retain information better when it’s presented visually. This doesn’t make written content obsolete, but a blend of visual and written material makes it easier for businesses to convey core messages to their market, to build brand awareness, and make prospects more likely to buy. A picture paints 1000 words, and this is especially so when marketing physical products.

Building Brand Credibility and Market Share

The right visual content is essential for e-commerce brands to build credibility within their market, conveying an accurate picture of the experience that comes with purchasing certain products, and how it works in practice. This, in turn (providing it is an accurate reflection of the products) builds trust with consumers, and leads to faster sales, in higher volumes, with a better chance of repeat business.

Better Google visibility and increased web traffic

Despite the continued dominance of written content in search marketing, Google likes visual content, too. The presence of videos, digital publications, infographics, and brand-relevant images works to increase website visibility, giving e-commerce businesses an additional edge, in a market where consumers rarely stray beyond the top three search results. Visible and popular content increases website traffic, leading to more leads and more sales.

Working With a Creative Content Agency

The question is, can e-commerce businesses benefit from working with a creative production agency to do this, or is it something they can do themselves in-house? The answer to both questions is yes. Any business can create content in-house, so long as they have the resources to do so. But for online content and digital publications to be effective at securing e-commerce growth, it can’t simply be a duplication of the website, or a straightforward brochure.

Content has to offer consumers an incentive to buy, and a genuine immersive insight into the products they represent. To do this in a cost-effective and time-efficient way requires a wide range of tools, skills, and resources. While some brands have a full creative team in-house, many – even a lot of the largest brands – find it faster, and a better return on investment, to work with a creative content agency. For the same investment as having one or two people in-house, they can get more content from an agency, with a scalable service that delivers according to their goals and timescales.

Find Out More

At wk360, we offer an end-to-end creative content production service, with all the visual branding, advertising, images, video, CGI, and photography you need to maximise your marketing campaigns and grow your business. For a free quote, or to discuss your goals, please get in touch with one of our team today.

Image Source: Unsplash


The Importance Of Visual Content In 2021


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